import System.IO -- 1 data LC a = Var a | App (LC a) (LC a) | Abs a (LC a) deriving (Show, Eq, Read) betared :: Eq a => (LC a) -> (LC a) -> (LC a) betared (Abs a body) ex = subst [] body where fvex = fv ex subst bnds (Var v) | v /= a = Var v | foldr (||) False (map (\x -> x `elem` bnds) fvex) = error "Free variable occurs bound in the beta reduction" | True = ex subst bnds (App e1 e2) = App (subst bnds e1) (subst bnds e2) subst bnds abs@(Abs x ex) = if x == a then abs else Abs x (subst (x:bnds) ex) betared _ _ = error "Just lambda-abstraction can be applied" fv (Var x) = [x] fv (App e1 e2) = fv e1 ++ fv e2 fv (Abs v body) = filter (/= v) $ fv body -- 2 lister l = map' f l -- /1 where f x = [x] -- /2 map' f (x:xs) = f x : map' f xs -- /3 map' _ _ = [] -- /4 {- 1) Chci dokázat: lister [] = [] ==== lister [] =|1 map' f [] =|4 [] 2) I.H.: lister as = ass Chci dokázat: lister (a:as) = [a] : ass ==== lister (a:as) =|1 map' f (a:as) =|3 f a : map' f as =|1 f a : lister as =|IH f a : ass =|2 [a] : ass Q.E.D. 2] vartiantní přístup I.H.: lister as = [[a1], ..., [an]] Chci dokázat: lister (a:as) = [[a],[a1], ..., [an]] === lister (a:as) =|1 map' f (a:as) =|3 f a : map' f as =|1 f a : lister as =|IH f a : [[a1], ..., [an]] =|2 [a] : [[a1], ..., [an]] =|def(:) [[a],[a1], ... , [an]] Q.E.D. -- pozn: bylo možno uvést i definici (:) a [], ale to je zbytečné -- pozn2: uznal jsem i definici s lister [] = [] i když potom byly všechny důkazy na něm založené špatně -} -- 3 fabc fi fo = do hi <- openFile fi ReadMode ho <- openFile fo WriteMode ct <- hGetContents hi let (res, val) = proc ct hPutStr ho (show val) if res then return () else hPutStr stderr "Error" hClose ho hClose hi proc l | las == lbs && lbs == lcs && (length nocs == 0) = (True, las) | True = (False, err) where (als, noas) = span (== 'a') l las = length als -- (bs, nobs) = span (== 'b') noas lbs = length bs -- (cs, nocs) = span (== 'c') nobs lcs = length cs -- err | las == 0 = 1 | las == lbs = if lcs > las then las + las + las + 1 else las + las + lcs + 1 | True = if lbs > las then las + las + 1 else las + lbs + 1 -- span f l = (takeWhile f l, dropWhile f l) -- pozor! takeWhile (=='a') a filter (=='a') není to samé!!! -- EOF
:- dynamic posx/2, sizeX/1, sizeY/1. /* 1 */ numofp(X1, Y1, X1, Y1, XS, YS, 1) :- XS > 1, YS > 1, retractall(sizeX(_)), retractall(sizeY(_)), assert(sizeX(XS)), assert(sizeY(YS)), testX(X1), testY(Y1), !. numofp(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, XS, YS, NUM) :- XS > 1, YS > 1, retractall(sizeX(_)), retractall(sizeY(_)), assert(sizeX(XS)), assert(sizeY(YS)), testX(X1), testX(X2), testY(Y1), testY(Y2), retractall(posx(_, _)), setof(RR, search(X1, Y1, X1, Y1, RR), RES), fltr(RES, (X2:Y2), RX), length(RX, NUM). search(X, Y, X, Y, [(X:Y)]) :- posx(_, _), !. search(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, [(X1:Y1)|P]) :- assert(posx(X1, Y1)), move(X1, Y1, XN, YN), (not(posx(XN, YN)); (X2 = XN, Y2 = YN)), search(XN, YN, X2, Y2, P). search(X1, Y1, _, _, _) :- posx(X1, Y1), retract(posx(X1, Y1)), !, fail. fltr([L|LS], V, [L|LX]) :- member(V,L), !, fltr(LS, V, LX). fltr([_|LS], V, LX) :- fltr(LS, V, LX). fltr([], _, []). move(X, Y, NX, NY) :- NX is X + 1, NY is Y + 2, testX(NX), testY(NY). move(X, Y, NX, NY) :- NX is X - 1, NY is Y + 2, testX(NX), testY(NY). move(X, Y, NX, NY) :- NX is X + 1, NY is Y - 2, testX(NX), testY(NY). move(X, Y, NX, NY) :- NX is X - 1, NY is Y - 2, testX(NX), testY(NY). move(X, Y, NX, NY) :- NX is X + 2, NY is Y + 1, testX(NX), testY(NY). move(X, Y, NX, NY) :- NX is X - 2, NY is Y + 1, testX(NX), testY(NY). move(X, Y, NX, NY) :- NX is X + 2, NY is Y - 1, testX(NX), testY(NY). move(X, Y, NX, NY) :- NX is X - 2, NY is Y - 1, testX(NX), testY(NY). testX(X) :- sizeX(XX), X >= 1, X =< XX. testY(Y) :- sizeY(YY), Y >= 1, Y =< YY. /* 2 */ mapst(Map, Key, Value) :- nonvar(Map), var(Value), nonvar(Key), Get =.. [Map, Key, Value], call(Get). mapst(Map, Key, Value) :- nonvar(Map), nonvar(Value), nonvar(Key), insrt(Map, Key, Value). mapst(Map, Key, Value) :- nonvar(Map), nonvar(Value), var(Key), Get =.. [Map, K, Value], setof(K, Get, Key). insrt(Map, Key, _) :- Test =.. [Map, Key, _], call(Test), !, fail. insrt(Map, Key, Val) :- Asrt =.. [Map, Key, Val], assert(Asrt). /* !!!!!!!!!!!!! NNEEEEE!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! */ /* 2 BRUTUS chyby !!!!!!!!!!! */ mapstx(Map, _, _) :- var(Map), !, fail. mapstx(_, Key, Value) :- var(Key), var(Value), !, fail. mapstx(Map, Key, Value) :- var(Value), P =.. [Map, Key, Value], call(P). mapstx(Map, Key, Value) :- var(Key), P =.. [Map, K, Value], setof(K, P, Key). mapstx(Map, Key, Value) :- P =.. [Map, Key, Value], call(P), !, fail. mapstx(Map, Key, Value) :- P =.. [Map, Key, Value], assert(P). /* 3 */ sbstr([], []). sbstr(Str, SStr) :- appnd(_, SStr, L), appnd(L, _ ,Str). appnd([], L2, L2). appnd([H|T], L2, [H|AP]) :- appnd(T,L2,AP). /* 3 alternativa */ sbstr2([], []). sbstr2([_|_], []). sbstr2([H|T1], [H|T2]) :- prfx(T1, T2). sbstr2([_|T], X) :- sbstr2(T, X). prfx(_, []). prfx([H|T1], [H|T2]) :- prfx(T1,T2). /* !!!!!!!!!!!!! NNEEEEE!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! */ /* zkuste varianty pro sbstrx([1,2,3],X). */ sbstrx(Str, Sub) :- sstr(Str, Sub, Sub). sstr([H1|T1], [H2|T2], S) :- (H1 = H2 -> sstr(T1, T2, S); sstr(T1, S, S)). sstr(_, [], _). /* ---------------------- Goedel ----------------------- */ /* MODULE PRIME. IMPORT Integers. PREDICATE Prime : Integer. Prime(prime) <- ~ SOME [x] (x > 1 & x < prime & prime Mod x = 0). */ /* ---------------------- Goedel ----------------------- */ /* EOF */
[[1], [2], [3]]
→ [1, 2, 3]
(nedefinovane chovani pro viceprvkove vnitrni seznamy) + dukazimport IO {- ------------ (1) ------------ lambda kalkul LET True = λxy.x LET False = λxy.y LET eq = λab.iszero(a prev b) (iszero(b prev a)) False Jelikoz cisla jsou definovana takto: LET 0 = λfn.n LET N = λfn.f^N n neexistuje zaporne cislo!!! Tedy test musel byt obousmerny. Tedy reseni s jednim smerem je na nic. Pokus o rekurzi v definici odporuje primo lambda kalkulu. Taky zadne body. -} {- ------------ (2) ------------ -} unlister l = _foldr f [] l -- 1 where f [x] xs = x:xs -- 2 _foldr _ a [] = a -- 3 _foldr f a (x:xs) = f x (_foldr f a xs) -- 4 {- Pro [] unlister [] =|1 _foldr f [] [] =|3 [] I.H. unlister [[x1], ..., [xn]] = [x1, ..., xn] Pro as = [[x1], ..., [xn]] a = [x0] unlister (a:as) =|1 _foldr f [] (a:as) =|4 f a (_foldr f [] as) = f [x0] (_foldr f [] [[x1], ..., [xn]]) =|1 f [x0] (unlister [[x1], ..., [xn]]) =|IH f [x0] [x1, ..., xn] =|2 [x0, x1, ..., xn] Q.E.D. -} {- znacne pracnejsi reseni s (++) -} unlister' l = _foldr (++) [] l -- 5 {- Je nutne uvest definici (++) !!!!! (++) [] ys = ys -- 6 (++) (x:xs) ys = x:(xs ++ ys) -- 7 Pro [] unlister' [] =|5 _foldr (++) [] [] =|3 [] I.H. unlister' [[x1], ..., [xn]] = [x1, ..., xn] Pro as = [[x1], ..., [xn]] a = [x0] unlister' (a:as) =|5 _foldr (++) [] (a:as) =|4 (++) a (_foldr (++) [] as) = (++) [x0] (_foldr (++) [] [[x1], ..., [xn]]) =|5 (++) [x0] (unlister' [[x1], ..., [xn]]) =|IH (++) [x0] [x1, ..., xn] =|7 x0 : ([] ++ [x1, ..., xn]) =|6 x0 : [x1, ..., xn] =|: [x0, x1, ..., xn] -} shrink n fi fo = do hi <- openFile fi ReadMode ho <- openFile fo WriteMode cont <- hGetContents hi hPutStr ho $ unlines $ concat $ map (shrinkP n) $ par $ lines cont hClose ho hClose hi par ls | null rst = [concat p1] | null p1 = [concat nosp] | True = concat p1 : par rst where nosp = dropWhile (== []) ls (p1, rest) = span (/= []) nosp rst = dropWhile (== []) rest shrinkP _ [] = [] shrinkP width cs | null wds = [cs, ""] | True = join (head wds) (tail wds) where wds = words cs join l (w:ws) | length l + 1 + length w > width = l : join w ws | True = join (l ++ (' ':w)) ws join l [] = [l, ""] -- EOF
[1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
→ [3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1]
, 0 je „mezera“)/* 1 */ :- dynamic ps/2, cycle/2. :- dynamic sizeY/1, sizeX/1. findall(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, SX, SY, RES) :- SX > 0, SY > 0, retractall(sizeX(_)), retractall(sizeY(_)), assert(sizeX(SX)), assert(sizeY(SY)), testP(X1, Y1), testP(X2, Y2), retractall(ps(_, _)), retractall(cycle(_, _)), setof(R, search(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, R), RES). testP(X, Y) :- X > 0, Y > 0, sizeX(XX), X =< XX, sizeY(YY), Y =< YY. search(X, Y, X, Y, [X:Y]) :- cycle(_, _), !. search(X, Y, X, Y, _) :- not(cycle(_, _)), !, fail. search(X, Y, XX, YY, [X:Y|R]) :- cycle(_, _), assert(ps(X, Y)), nxtStep(X, Y, NX, NY), not(ps(NX, NY)), search(NX, NY, XX, YY, R). search(X, Y, XX, YY, [X:Y|R]) :- not(cycle(_, _)), assert(ps(X, Y)), nxtStep(X, Y, NX, NY), tryTwo(NX, NY), search(NX, NY, XX, YY, R). search(X, Y, _, _, _) :- ps(X, Y), not(cycle(X, Y)), !, retract(ps(X, Y)), fail. tryTwo(NX, NY) :- ps(NX, NY), assert(cycle(NX, NY)). tryTwo(NX, NY) :- cycle(NX, NY), !, retract(cycle(NX, NY)), fail. tryTwo(NX, NY) :- not(ps(NX, NY)). nxtStep(X, Y, XX, Y) :- sizeX(SX), X < SX, XX is X + 1. nxtStep(X, Y, XX, Y) :- XX is X - 1, XX > 0. nxtStep(X, Y, X, YY) :- sizeY(SY), Y < SY, YY is Y + 1. nxtStep(X, Y, X, YY) :- YY is Y - 1, YY > 0. /* 2 */ emptyT(leaf). insval(V, leaf, node(V, leaf, leaf)). insval(V, node(W, L, R), node(W, LL, R)) :- V < W, insval(V, L, LL). insval(V, node(W, L, R),node(W, L, RR)) :- V > W, insval(V, R, RR). insval(V, node(V, L, R), node(V, L, R)). l2t([], leaf). l2t([H|T], R) :- l2t(T, TR), insval(H, TR, R). t2l(leaf, []). t2l(node(V, L, R), ResL) :- t2l(L, LL), t2l(R, RL), append(LL, [V|RL], ResL). tree2list(T, L) :- var(T), var(L), !, fail. tree2list(T, L) :- var(T), l2t(T, L). tree2list(T, L) :- var(L), t2l(T, L). tree2list(T, L) :- /* tady to slo ruzne, nic neni 100% */ nonvar(L), nonvar(T), t2l(T, LL), LL = L. /* 3 */ /* takovy trochu Haskell v Prologu */ revin([], _, []). revin([H|T], S, RES) :- words([H|T], S, WRDS), revall(WRDS, REV), unwords(REV, S, RES). words([], _, []). words([H|_], H, _) :- !, fail. /* an error */ words([H|T], S, [[H|W]|WS]) :- inw(T, S, x(W, R)), words(R, S, WS). inw([], _, x([], [])). inw([H|T], H, x([], T)) :- !. inw([H|T], S, x([H|W], R)) :- inw(T, S, x(W, R)). revall([L|LS], [RL|RLS]) :- reverse(L, RL), revall(LS, RLS). revall([], []). unwords([], _, []). unwords([L|LS], _, L) :- nll(LS), !. unwords([L|LS], S, UR) :- append(L, [S], LSP), unwords(LS, S, UW), append(LSP, UW, UR). nll([]). nll([_|_]) :- !, fail. /* je ale zbytecny */ /* brutus Prolog */ /* inspirace v pisemece, upraveno pro spravnou funkcnost */ revn([], _, []). revn(Str, Spc, Res) :- not(member(Spc, Str)), !, reverse(Str, Res). revn(Str, Spc, Res) :- append(L, [Spc|Rest], Str), not(member(Spc, L)), !, reverse(L, RL), revn(Rest, Spc, InRes), append(RL, [Spc|InRes], Res). /* member(H,[H|_]). member(X,[_|T]) :- member(X,T). */ /* EOF */